Conflict in the South Caucasus and the role of Turkey – Nov 30, 2020

Global Strat View (GSV) is hosting a virtual panel discussion on the Conflict in the South Caucasus and the role of Turkey.

Brian J Karem of CNN will moderate the discussion – Turkey under Erdogan is flexing its muscles to emerge as the paramount Islamic power and revive the Ottoman Empire dream. In the fight for leadership of the Islamic world, it is being aided and abetted by the radical ideology of Pakistan. While neighbors like Greece, Syria and Armenia are bearing the immediate brunt, the effects of these policies are being felt as far as Europe, South Asia and North Africa, which are witnessing new waves of terror attacks. What do Erdogan’s Neo-Ottoman ambitions mean for the world? Can this extremist ideology be stopped?

An expert panel will examine these issues in depth. The panelists are:

Honourable Leo Housakos, Senator, Canada

Former Professor Gerard J. Libaridian, at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Former US Ambassador Steven R. Mann

Journalist Ergun Babahan, Former Editor-in-Chief, Sabah, Turkish Newspaper

Multilingual Greek-Canadian Journalist Zoe Koulouris

Nov 30, 2020 12:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)